Counterpulsation Cardio
Counterpulsation therapy (EECP or ECP) is a safe, non-invasive, out-patient based treatment. In the USA it has been approved for use by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) since 1995.
In 2013 it was recommended for use in refractory angina by the European Society of Cardiology. In 2017 the Renew Tm NCP-5 External Counterpulsation cardiac bed was awarded the European Union level 2a medical device CE mark. Almost any adult with a heart problem can have counterpulsation therapy and there is no upper age limit. It is particularly beneficial to cardiac patients who continue to experience angina following bypass surgery or stents. This is often called chronic stable angina. This happens because although the large vessels have been opened by angioplasty or blockages by-passed by surgery the microscopic vessels within the heart muscle are blocked, leading to a lack of oxygen which in turn causes chest pain.

25+ Years Of Experience

Pre-treatment screening
Pre- treatment screening requires a review of the individual’s cardiac history and previously undertaken cardiac investigations. The therapy will require the support and supervision of a consultant cardiologist. This may be your local cardiologist or the counterpulsation specialist cardiologist who will liaise with your own specialist during the 35 hours course of counterpulsation therapy.
Some individuals may not be suitable for treatment. Cardiac patients with significant aortic regurgitation, untreated aortic aneurysms or occlusion of the major leg arteries cannot have this treatment.
Side effects
Counterpulsation therapy has very few side effects.
Discomfort from cuff placement can easily be resolved with extra padding or a change of cuff position.
Rarely, in the first few days after treatment, cardiac patients may experience a change or an increase in chest pain. Any change will be discussed with the cardiologist and appropriate action taken.
Patients who have not exercised for a long time sometimes experience aching muscles in the first week of treatment. This is similar to starting any new form of exercise.

What other benefits can counterpulsation Cardio offer?
Refractory Angina
Microvascular angina, Heart failure and An alternative to Bypass surgery:
Microvascular angina is a form of refractory angina where the individuals do not have any blockages in the large vessels of the heart but nevertheless experience debilitating chest pain or breathlessness. This condition is more common in women. This condition has also been referred to in the medical literature as cardiac syndrome X. (CSX) Counterpulsation therapy can reduce or in some cases abolish symptoms in this group of patients.
Heart failure: counterpulsation reduces the amount of work that the heart has to do and increases the volume of blood pushed out of the heart with each heartbeat, thus improving the signs and symptoms of heart failure. This helps to improve the cardiac function by reducing the strain on the heart muscle. It can also lead to a long term improvement in cardiac function.
An alternative to Bypass surgery: in parts of the world counterpulsation therapy is being used as an adjunct to surgery or in suitable patients as an alternative to by-pass surgery. An assessment would be made of the anatomy of the coronary arteries and the risks and benefits of both treatment options will be discussed. Some patients need surgery but there are other cases where counterpulsation therapy can produce relief from symptoms and surgery can be avoided.
Blood pressure, Energy and vitality, Weight loss, Kidneys and Diabetes
Blood pressure: counterpulsation lowers blood pressure by stimulating the release of chemicals, such as nitric oxide (NO), that dilate blood vessels.
Energy and vitality: it is a powerful form of exercise for the whole body, similar to a hard work-out at a gym, but achieved whilst lying down at rest. It enables vigorous exercise even in individuals who are unable to exercise due to symptoms or disability.
Weight loss: it can support weight loss by improving wellbeing and physical fitness, enabling individuals to take more regular exercise.
Kidneys: it causes in a sustained increase in blood flow to the kidneys, leading to improved kidney function.
Diabetes: blood sugar levels improve with counterpulsation therapy and in many cases insulin requirements fall.
Erectile Dysfunction, Depression and Inflammation
Erectile Dysfunction: it improves blood flow to the penis and is an effective non-drug, non-surgical alternative for erectile problems. Results will depend on the underlying cause of the problem. Some cardiac drugs can cause or exacerbate erectile dysfunction. Your cardiologist will be able to review your medication if this is an issue.
Depression: many cardiac patients become depressed and patients with depression are more likely to develop cardiac disease. Middle-aged women with depression or Bipolar disorder have a fourfold increased risk of developing coronary disease. Recently published studies from Denmark and China have shown that ECP leads to a significant long-term reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Inflammation: the therapy produces a rapid reduction in markers of inflammation in the body and it can be beneficial in chronic inflammatory conditions, such as Lupus
Counterpulsation therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment that was first developed at Harvard University, USA in the 1950s. In the USA it has been approved for use in the treatment of cardiac disease since 1995, and was first brought to the UK in 2004 where treatment centres were set up in Bradford and Wimbledon.
Counterpulsation therapy is a safe innovative therapy which can improve cardiac function and has many other health benefits

Counterpulsation Cardio

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Counterpulsation Sport
FAQs Counterpulsation Cardio
My Doctor is not aware of this treatment- why is this?
Counterpulsation has been used in the USA and the Far East for many years but is relatively new in Europe. The first UK treatment centres were opened in 2004. In the USA there are machines in many of the large cardiology centres including; The Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins,The Cleveland Clinic and Stonybrook Hospital New York . There are also many smaller treatment centres throughout the country.
How can my Doctor get information?
We can send an information pack to discuss with your doctor and our Consultant Cardiologist is happy to give advice to other physicians.

Counterpulsation Ltd
Statement of purpose
To promote cardiac health via External Counterpulsation,( ECP) an innovative outpatient treatment which improves cardiac blood flow.
ECP is FDA and European Society of Cardiology level 2a approved
To provide a high standard of individualized care, in a friendly and professional environment, taking in to account patient preference, age, gender, religious views and cultural diversities. All clients have a pre-treatment personalized screening program to determine their suitability.
To improve the quality of life and exercise tolerance in patients suffering from chronic stable angina. The service is designed and supervised by consultant cardiologists to ensure that all service users receive care that is appropriate and safe. To treat other forms of cardiac disease that are deemed suitable for ECP by a consultant cardiologist.
To offer ECP to noncardiac wellness clients who wish to improve their general health and well-being.
Appropriate individualized health screening will be undertaken prior to treatment commencing.
ECP can also be used to aid sportsmen and women as part of a training programme. Pre treatment screening is required.
Our Objectives
- To develop the understanding and use of ECP in cardiac patients.
- To offer ECP to clients who wish to improve their health and wellness.
- To involve our clients by seeking their views on all aspects of how we run our service and respond by making improvements that reflect their observations and suggestions.
- To constantly strive to improve the quality of the services we provide.
- To ensure that the delivery of our services is understood and accessible to all clients, irrespective of cultural and ethnic diversity and disability.
- To demonstrate excellent clinical governance.